It was 5:57 p.m. Sunday evening before Next Generation Radio started Monday. We were supposed to meet at 6 p.m. to get to know everyone, but I was the first one to arrive. “Am I early?” I wondered. “Am I in the wrong place? Is there even a dinner at all?” As soon as I pulled out my phone to double check that this wasn’t all a big hoax, Andy arrived, looking as nervous as I felt. We immediately hit it off, and now Friday morning, it’s hard to believe that I was ever anxious about the folks I would be spending the next week with.

We hit the ground running Monday morning with training and interviews and kept the pace up right until the end. At no point though was I worried that I was going to fail, because of the support of my mentor, the other mentors and my four new silly, talented, wonderful friends.

I bounced around a little bit before I decided to return to graduate school at UNC’s School of Media and Journalism. Some jobs I enjoyed the people, but not the work, some visa versa. The opportunity to tell other people’s stories has been an honor and a joy, but by far the best part of working in radio has been the people. Next Generation Radio is no exception. Thank you to everyone involved for this incredible opportunity!